
MEMORANDUM TO: Literacy and Basic Skills Program (LBS) Service Providers participating in the Learner Gains Project

FROM: Teresa Damaso, Director, Program Delivery Support Branch, Employment and Training Division

DATE: March 14, 2016

RE: Entering Essential Skills for Employment and Education (ESEE) data in EOIS-CaMs



The purpose of this memo is to advise the participating LBS Service Providers in the Learner Gains Research Project on how to enter the ESEE data in EOIS-CaMS.


To date, over 480 entrance ESEE tests have been administered to the learners however, this assessment data is not reflected in EOIS-CaMs. Service providers have expressed a need for direction regarding how to enter the learner gains data in EOIS-CaMS.

The Learner Gains data is to be entered in the Assessment block of the Client Summary Page on an active service plan. This client summary can be modified upon creation. EOIS-CaMS allows for the entry of scores for all three competencies (Numeracy, Reading and Document Use) and scores are to be entered in these fields upon the learner completing the corresponding assessment.

EOIS-CaMS allows for the scores to be entered retroactively on an active service plan. For any assessments already delivered but not recorded in EOIS-CaMS, the user should be able to enter the data in the assessment block as described above. If “None” is selected for Entry Assessment Tool, then the Date of Assessment does not need to be entered. The system will still allow the user to enter the score of the assessments regardless of the date.

If the service plan has been closed with invalid learner gains data, the data can be corrected by changing the Closure Reason of the service plan to “Opened in Error” and recreating the service plan.

Data on learners exempted from taking the ESEE test should also be reported in EOIS-CaMS. The reason for the learners exemption from taking the ESEE assessment is to be inputted into the “Learner Gains exempted” field. This information can also be entered retroactively on an active service plan.

To ensure that the EOIS-CaMS has up to date information, the entry assessment score is to be entered as close to the date of completion of the assessment. Similarly, the exit score is to be entered as close to the completion of the exit assessment.

For more information please consult the EOIS-CaMSs: Service Provider Page (pages 12 and 13) on the EOPG.


If there are any questions regarding the Learner Gains Research Project, please contact your Employment and Training Consultant (ETC).