Particulars of Notice of Contravention

Subsection 49 (1) Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (the "Act")

Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Advanced Education Learner Supports Division
Private Career Colleges Branch
77 Wellesley Street West
Box 977
Toronto ON
M7A 1N3

June 29, 2021.

These particulars are posted following the issuance of an administrative penalty by the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges pursuant to subsection 39 (1) of the Act for which a review was not requested.

Original service date: June 7, 2021

Access Truck Training
1748 Bath Road Kingston,
Ontario K7M 4Y2
Attention: Matthieu Dufour; Owner


Private Career Colleges Act, 2005, Subsection 8 (1)- Prohibition against providing vocational programs

The Business had been offering an unapproved vocational program called the "AZ Licence Course MELT Program".

At the time of the investigation, the Business was not a registered private career college.

Original Amount: $1,000.00 per day until compliant.


Private Career Colleges Act, 2005, Subsection 11 (2)- Restrictions on advertising and soliciting

The Business had been advertising the unapproved "AZ Licence Course MELT Program" on its website and its Facebook profile.

Original Amount: $1,000.00 per day until compliant. .

Total Amount: $2,000.00