Particulars of Notice of Contravention

S. 49 (1) Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 ("Act")

Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Advanced Education Learner Supports Division
Office of the Superintendent
Private Career Colleges Branch
77 Wellesley Street West
Box 977
Toronto ON
M7A 1N3

July 5, 2021

These particulars are posted following the issuance of an administrative penalty by the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges pursuant to s. 39 (1) of the Act for which a review was not requested.

Original service date: June 11, 2021

Pragra Incorporated, o/a Pragra
125 Topflight Drive, Unit 202
Mississauga, Ontario
L5S 1Y1


Private Career Colleges Act, 2005, s.  8 (1) Prohibition against providing vocational programs:

The Superintendent believes that the Business, while not an unregistered private career college, offers an unapproved vocational program.

The Business offers the provision of programs including, but not limited to, "Java Full Stack Developer" and "AWS Certified Solution Architect" that are within the meaning of vocational program for the purposes of the Act. The offering or providing of the vocational programs while both the programs are not approved by the Superintendent and the Business not registered as a private career college is a contravention of section 8 (1) of the Act.

Original Amount: $1,000 per day
Contravention continued for 5 days
Total: $5,000


Private Career Colleges Act, 2005, s. 11 (2) Restrictions on advertising and soliciting:

The Superintendent believes that the Business, while not a registered private career college, advertises the provision of an unapproved vocational program.

The Business advertises the provision of programs including, but not limited to, "Java Full Stack Developer" and "AWS Certified Solution Architect" that are within the meaning of vocational program for the purposes of the Act. The advertising of the vocational programs while both the programs are not approved by the Superintendent and the Business not registered as a private career college is a contravention of section 11 (2) of the Act.

Original Amount: $1,000 per day
Contravention continued for 5 days

Total: $5,000

Total: $10,000