Particulars of a Restraining Order

S. 49 (2) Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 ("Act")

Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Advanced Education Learner Supports Division
Office of the Superintendent
Private Career Colleges Branch
77 Wellesley Street West
Box 977
Toronto ON
M7A 1N3

June 16, 2021

These particulars are posted following the issuance of a Restraining Order against a registered private career college by the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges pursuant to s. 46 (1) of the Act.

Original service date: June 11, 2021

Pragra Incorporated, o/a Pragra
125 Topflight Drive, Unit 202
Mississauga, Ontario
L5S 1Y1


The Superintendent has ordered Pragra Incorporated, operating as Pragra ("Pragra") to:

A. Stop offering unapproved vocational programs contrary to subsection 8 (1) of the Act

B. Stop providing unapproved vocational programs contrary to subsection 8 (1) of the Act

C. Stop advertising unapproved vocational programs contrary to subsection 11 (2) of the Act, and

D. Stop collecting fees in relation to the provision of any unapproved vocational programs contrary to subsection 9 (1) of the Act

Required actions

By June 25, 2021 Pragra is required by the Superintendent to provide written confirmation signed by a person with authority to bind the corporation, together with all available supporting evidence, confirming that they:

A. Have removed and ceased all advertising for any program within the meaning of vocational program for the purposes of the Act, including advertising for the Business' programs on third-party websites

B. Have stopped offering or providing any program within the meaning of vocational program for the purposes of the Act

C. Have stopped collecting fees in relation to any program within the meaning of vocational program for the purposes of the Act

D. Are not currently holding prepaid unearned tuition paid in relation to any program within the meaning of vocational program for the purposes of the Act

E. For each program operated or advertised by the Business on the date of the Order provide the following information:

  1. name of the program
  2. total cost of the program, inclusive of payment plan options
  3. total duration of the program, inclusive of instructor-let, self-study, and assignments
  4. any promotional material prepared for the program