Apprenticeship Capital Grant (ACG)

The Apprenticeship Capital Grant (formerly the Apprenticeship Enhancement Fund) provides capital funding for Training Delivery Agents (TDAs) to upgrade their equipment and training facilities in order to keep up with evolving technology and to train apprentices on equipment that is relevant to employers. There are two sources of funding available through the ACG: (1) ACG Base Allocation (“ACG Base”), and (2) ACG Call for Proposals (“ACG CFP”).

ACG Base Allocation: The ministry will commit to three years of funding for eligible college and non-college TDAs based on a funding formula. The funding formula is based on in-class training activity. The formula reflects the hours of apprenticeship training provided by each approved TDA and includes all delivery models.

ACG Call for Proposal: Through an annual Call for Proposal (CFP) process, the ministry welcomes eligible college and non-college TDAs to submit project proposals for additional funding, separate from the ACG Base allocation. The CFP funding can be used to supplement the existing approved base funding or for special initiatives announced in the CFP, as determined by the ministry.


Application Materials

2024-2027 Program Guidelines – ACG Base

  • Program Guidelines 2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027
  • How to apply:
    • If you have received notification of your annual allocation for the 2024-2027 Apprenticeship Capital Grant (ACG) Base Program, you will need to submit your project proposal(s) to the ministry for review and approval by completing the ACG Base Business Plan through Service Provider (SP) Connect.
    • The 2024-2025 Business Plan will be available in SP Connect on February 7, 2024, with a due date of March 4, 2024.

2024-2025 Call for Proposals

  • Apprenticeship Capital Grant Call for Proposals Guidelines 2024-2025 (posted on March 7, 2024) (PDF, 305 KB)
  • Employer Support Letter Template (posted on March 7, 2024) (DOCX, 36 KB)
  • Questions and Answers for Interested Applications (posted on March 7, 2024) (PDF, 340 KB)
  • Schedule of events:
    • Organizations can begin to apply for funding through Transfer Payment Ontario (TPON) on March 7, 2024. Applications will be accepted for ministry review until April 4, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST).
  • How to apply:
    • Register or sign in to your My Ontario account to access Transfer Payment Ontario (TPON).
    • Click on the Service Provider (SP) Connect image/link.
    • Select "List Funding Opportunities" under the Applications section on your dashboard.
    • Under "Programs Open for Application", select the link for the Apprenticeship Capital Grant Call for Proposal application.
    • Complete the required fields and submit your application.

2023-2024 Call for Proposals

2021-2024 Program Guidelines

Reporting and Monitoring

Apprenticeship Capital Grant and Apprenticeship Capital Grant - Call for Proposals reporting and monitoring processes are managed via EOIS-Service Provider Connect (SP Connect).

Desk aids and user guides on SP Connect based reporting and monitoring processes and tools are available by logging into myEOIS. myEOIS also features a notification service that automatically issues email alerts for new announcements, user guides, and calendar events, keeping you up to date on all system changes.

If you do not have access to myEOIS please contact your ministry representative.